Melva has been organizing in Georgia for over 30 years with a focus on civic engagement, elections and voting, family violence, substance abuse, and mental wellness.
Program Director, Fair Count
Melva Steps

Melva Steps, Program Director at Fair Count, has been organizing in Georgia for over 30 years with a focus on civic engagement, elections and voting, family violence, substance abuse, and mental wellness. She founded several advocacy based programs including the first statewide coalition to actualize laws, policies, protocols, and programs for drug endangered children, and a first of its kind countywide community court program bringing the community together with criminal justice officials, defendants, and victims to effectuate holistic changes to the way we treat offenders. A loyal community advocate, one of Melva’s strongest beliefs around civic engagement is that every voice working collectively is required to create lasting solutions, and she has put that belief into practice every day for the last two years at Fair Count.