Introducing New Cultural Strategy Tools from Our Creative Change Fellows

// Published: 2021

​The Opportunity Agenda’s Creative Change Innovation Fellowship was an invitation-only pilot program intended to support a cohort of leading-edge storytellers as they create, imagine, and empower us with what’s possible.

The fellowship aimed to give each artist/cultural strategist an opportunity to 1) focus their efforts on projects that support an affirmative, creative vision for a more inclusive, just democracy and 2) gather field members to collaborate on, discuss and/or amplify their work.

We are thrilled to share some offerings from the Fellowship below — two brand new cultural strategy tools, designed by our Fellows, to use in your work.

Sage Crump |

During her Creative Change Innovation Fellowship, Cultural Strategist Sage Crump decided to produce, a web-based toolkit for people who are deeply interested in how culture lays the foundation for liberation. The site invites the user into conversation about cultural strategy and is framed around four elements: social relations, economic systems, history, and imagination. Through frameworks, musings, and conversations, Sage hopes this work supports people in creating cultural strategies they can test through their work.

Visit Sage’s Cultural Strategy Tool

Learn more about Sage

Paola Mendoza | Joy To The Polls

Joy to the Polls was a de-centralized cultural intervention that aimed to bring safety and joy to the voting process amid the fear of COVID, voter suppression efforts, and long waiting lines. Author, film director, activist, artist and Women’s March co-founder Paola Mendoza not only co-organized this transformative intervention during her Creative Change Innovation Fellowship, but also interviewed her fellow organizers sharing learnings from their experiences. Her hopes are that others might take what she and her collaborators created and build off of it in their own communities.

Download Paola’s Cultural Strategy Tool

Learn more about Paola

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