Annie Del Hierro (b. Quito, Ecuador) is a community-engaged visual artist, organizer, culture promoter, and educator based in Brooklyn - the ancestral and unceded land of the Lenape. Her work explores history, individual and collective memories, and identity utilizing collage art, wheat-pasting, photography, and video as tools for her practice.

2022 Culture & Narrative Fellows Our Fellows

Annie Del Hierro



Annie Del Hierro (b. Quito, Ecuador) is a community-engaged visual artist, organizer, culture promoter, and educator based in Brooklyn – the ancestral and unceded land of the Lenape. Her work explores history, individual and collective memories, and identity utilizing collage art, wheat-pasting, photography, and video as tools for her practice. She is interested in continuing to create collaborative public art projects as platforms for community engagement and cultural interchanges to reflect a collective identity and belonging. Annie usually collaborates with artists from different disciplines and the public who are not involved in traditional art settings.

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