Immigrant Justice
Support TOA’s Immigrant Justice Work
Immigrants are critical to the vibrancy of American life, and yet they are a common scapegoat for politicians and others who lack meaningful solutions to our economic challenges. The Opportunity Agenda believes the way to push back against the harmful anti-immigration trend is to tell a values-based story that reflects the reality of the contributions immigrants make to our nation and the richness of border communities. We know that our diversity is our strength.
narrative research lab
Comprised of a digital library and a monthly webinar series, the Narrative Research Lab provides greater access to research and messaging guidance for communicators and advocates working to advance justice for immigrants.
Narrative Bootcamp
In Part 1, we introduced narrative and the distinction between narrative change and strategic communications with Rinku Sen, Executive Director of Narrative Initiative.
In Part 2, we explored the importance of audience segmentation and how to utilize audience insights with Sarah Lowe, Director of Narrative Research and Evaluation at Define American.
In Part 3, we shared successful case studies and creative narrative interventions in the field with Sheridan Aguirre, Culture Change Strategist at United We Dream.
Recaps coming soon
New York Proud
Stories shape our understanding of communities and cultures. Through "New York Proud," we offer a glimpse into the diverse experiences that contribute to NYC's identity. This project, created by award-winning documentary photographer and multimedia artist Oscar B. Castillo in collaboration with The Opportunity Agenda, New York Immigration Coalition (NYIC), F.Y. Eye, and numerous community partners, is a true testament to the power of community and how we can transform mindsets together.
Immigration Messaging & Reports

Download PDF Narrative Bootcamp 2024 Report About the Bootcamp The movement for immigrant...
Narrative Guidance for the Immigrant Justice Movement

How to Talk About the Leak & the Purported SCOTUS Decision to Overturn...
What Now?! Talking About the Supreme Court

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In The Opportunity Agenda’s Power of POP research series, we explore...
Power of Pop: What TV Gets Wrong About Getting By

Art & Discussion Guide We believe that ending poverty is within our reach,...
We Can Thrive Together: Visioning Economic Justice for All

As we process, discuss, and continue to respond to the January 6th attack...
Moving Forward: Three Ideas for Talking About the Moment

On March 12, 2019, Representatives Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-CA), Nydia Velázquez (D-NY), and Yvette...
5 Tips for Talking About the American Dream and Promise Act of 2019 (H.R. 6)

As the COVID-19 pandemic sweeps America, the systemic injustices in our country are...
Talking About COVID-19: Value, Problem, Solution, Action

During these times of crisis and uncertainty, it is critical to pull together...
Justice Reform & Human Rights in a Time of Crisis: Releasing People from Detention

There is much to say about the horror of watching our government imprison...
Talking About Imprisoned Children at the Border

Headlines about the U.S.-Mexico border continue to fill our news feeds and screens...
Talking Border Issues Amidst the Government Shutdown

The First Step Act, which recently passed the Senate with wide bipartisan support,...
Talking About Race and The First Step Act

In the run up to the 2018 midterm elections, a Media Matters study found...
Five Questions to ask when Crafting Messages about Refugees in the Current Climate

On June 26, 2018, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its decision in...
Messaging Advice on The Supreme Court’s Muslim Ban Decision

Updated October 2020 The administration’s willful separation of children from their parents at...
Talking About The U.S. Border: Imprisoned Children, Lost Parents, and Separated Families

Be cautious. Don’t comment until you’ve seen the facts and the lead...
Six Tips for Responding to Supreme Court Decisions

We all deserve to live in a society that promotes dignity, supports families,...
Census Data: A Fair and Accurate Count

On April 25, the Supreme Court heard Trump v. Hawaii, one of...
Talking About the Muslim Ban, Trump v. Hawaii

Core Message: Due process is a human right central to the American justice...
Tips for Talking Due Process & Immigration

Introduction This past February, as media reports began to circulate detailing a surge...
Redefining Sanctuary

Over the last several months, millions of activists, advocates, business leaders, and everyday...
Communications to Protect Dreamers and our Nation’s Values

In 2011, the U.S. Justice Department sued then Maricopa County Sheriff Joe...
Tips for Talking about the President’s Pardon of Ex-Sheriff Joe Arpaio

The past few months have seen an increased volume of rhetoric that manufactures...
Rise Above: Countering Fear-Based Messaging

Introduction As we enter the half way point of Donald Trump’s first...
5 Key Facts: Online Discussion of Immigration in The Trump Era

Introduction In the weeks following the 2016 presidential election, and the almost immediate...
Power of Pop: Media Analysis of Immigrant Representation in Popular TV Shows

The immigration experience, one of moving from a familiar home to an uncertain...
Quick Tips for Talking Immigration Issues

On Monday, June 26, the U.S. Supreme Court allowed portions of President Trump’s...
Talking About the Muslim Ban

Recent executive orders pose grave threats to our communities and our values. As...
Messaging for Current Conversations

#FightForFamilies The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments on President Obama’s executive actions...
Talking United States v. Texas Supreme Court Case on DAPA and expanded DACA+

The U.S.-‐Mexico border and the communities surrounding it represent many things: billions...
Talking About Policing Issues: Border Communities

When drafting responses to the President’s announcement today, please keep in mind...
5 Tips for Talking About Border Communities

The Opportunity Survey, our national research into public opinion and attitudes on inequality,...
The Opportunity Survey – Immigration Findings

Tips Talk about the values that should guide our criminal justice system. We...
Talking About Immigrants and the Criminal Justice System

Overview Adopted in 1868 and part of the “Reconstruction Amendments,” section 1 of...
Talking about the American Citizenship Clause of the 14th Amendment

When drafting responses to the President’s announcement today, please keep in mind...
5 Tips for Talking About Border Communities Without Talking about a Wall

Many Americans are frustrated with our immigration policies. But research and experience...
Immigration Policy Solutions: Supporting Child Migrants

Numerous reports and several children have reported increasing violence in their home...
Unaccompanied Children at the U.S.-Mexico Border

Understanding the Roots of Attitudes on Inequality Research Opportunity is a deeply held...
The Opportunity Survey

When entering or starting conversations about unaccompanied children coming to the United States...
Talking About Unaccompanied Refugee Children Fleeing Harm

A narrative is a set of broad themes and values that help to...
Talking Immigration Issues Today: A Shared Narrative

Upholding Our Values A Commonsense Approach Moving Forward Together Most audiences believe that...
Talking Immigration Issues Today: Due Process and Basic Rights

Many Americans are frustrated with our immigration policies. But research and experience...
Immigration Policy Solutions: Due Process and Fair Treatment Under the Law

What follows is an analysis of mainstream newspaper coverage of the U.S. Supreme...
Coverage of Arizona v. United States, a Challenge to the Constitutionality of Arizona’s SB 1070

Acknowledgements This report was made possible in part by a grant from the...
In Play

Talking about Arizona’s S.B. 1070, an alarming and incredibly wrong-headed bill, provides immigration...
Uniting Our Voices on Arizona S.B. 1070

Today’s Immigrants are Diverse and a Part of America’s Fabric As of 2008,...
Why Immigration Matters to All Americans

This memo lays out recent research with African American audiences and offers ideas...
African Americans and Immigration

It’s time to tell a new story about immigration in this country. Current...