Helvetika Bold

In her comic book, Helvetika Bold’s alter-ego, Ariel Black is the passionate and hardworking social justice advocate inside all of us. Tired of seeing her work thwarted by the dominant narrative, and frustrated by the media’s complicity in advancing it, Ariel finds herself transformed into the moxiest maven of media messaging: Helvetika Bold.
Helvetika does battle with her arch-villain, The Mindset, who represents all our own worst impulses – close-mindedness, fear, and an unwillingness to question deeply held stereotypes and assumptions. Like any great superhero, Helvetika has great gear, including her Racism Decoder Ring released through Upworthy, which opens people’s eyes to the latent racism that underlies so many of our world’s injustices. In her activity and coloring book, Helvetika teaches us how to flip the script on harmful narratives to create messages of equality and opportunity for all.
Comic Book
Activity & Coloring Book
Activity & Coloring Book Answers
With her powers unleashed, Helvetika Bold uses stories of inspiration and hope to make progressive change and remind us that we are the superheroes we’ve been waiting for.