Honoring the Legacy of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg With Our Renewed Fight for Justice
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 21, 2020
CONTACT: Christiaan Perez, press@opportunityagenda.org, 212-334-4275
New York, NY – Ellen Buchman, President of the Opportunity Agenda issued the following statement on the passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg:
The world lost a giant force for justice last Friday evening. The Opportunity Agenda joins the nation in mourning the passing of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Particularly now, during one of the most challenging periods of a generation, her legacy reminds us that we are resilient and strong. We will honor Justice Ginsburg’s legacy with our renewed and unwavering fight to that “steadfast commitment” she spoke of so eloquently: to bend the moral arc of the universe forward, toward justice.
In a time when police are killing Black and brown people without recourse, when the administration is shirking its role to lead our country through this health crisis, resulting in more than 200,000 American lives lost, and when right-wing forces are doing everything they can to roll back advances in health care for millions of Americans, along with women’s reproductive freedoms, our commitment to justice for all requires unrelenting energy.
Justice Ginsburg’s historic contributions to advance fairness, equality, and opportunity for women, girls, and all people will continue to impact generations.
She did not mince words. Her famed saying, “get it right, and keep it tight” was at the root of the incredibly clear way Justice Ginsburg encouraged the nation to live up to its highest values. Throughout a distinguished career capped with historic service on the highest court of the land, Justice Ginsburg stood against misogyny, homophobia, xenophobia, bigotry and those challenging the basic tenets of our democracy.
From her dissenting opinion in Shelby County v. Holder to her historic majority opinion in U.S. v. Virginia, and so many more, Justice Ginsburg has made a permanent imprint on American law and the lives of millions.
We extend our condolences to Justice Ginsburg’s family and friends, and we join our nation in mourning this great public servant’s passing. We celebrate Justice Ginsburg’s legacy, which lives on in freedom fighters everywhere.
Rest in Power, Justice Ginsburg. The entire Opportunity Agenda team will honor your life and your legacy with our clear and unrelenting focus on justice, and by redoubling our efforts to create a brighter future for all people.