Born and raised in Puerto Rico, Ricardo obtained a Master’s Degree in Education, a Juris Doctor and is a licensed attorney in the Island. In 2015, Ricardo moved from Yauco, Puerto Rico to Orlando, FL. During his first year in Florida, he taught English to adults and became involved in civic engagement efforts to register new voters. After the Pulse Tragedy on June 12th, 2016, of which he is a survivor, Ricardo has worked to empower the LGBTQ+ Latinx community and has advocated against discrimination and gun violence. Ricardo currently serves as the Legal Service Coordinator for LatinoJustice, where he’s had the opportunity to assist those transitioning from Puerto Rico to Florida after Hurricane Maria devastated the island and led election protection efforts to ensure access to the ballot box for Spanish-dominant voters. Ricardo also obtained a Master’s Degree in Non-Profit Management and helped launch the community organization “Del Ambiente”, which is an effort led by LGBTQ+ Puerto Ricans to build up the LGBTQ+ Puerto Rican community in Florida.