Ixchel Tonāntzin Xōchitlzihuatl is a prayer woman, culture shaper and peace strategist. She devotes her life force to the liberation of all beings across time, space and vibrational frequencies. She supports healers, leaders and communities to reprogram all that is (thoughts, words and action) in alignment with cosmic truth. Ixchel is a co-founder of the socially engaged art collective, Las Imaginistas (United States Artists, ArtPlace America’s National Creative Placemaking Grantees, Blade of Grass Fellows). She is also the Cosmic Weaver for the immigrant rights network, Voces Unidas. Both organizations advance the earth’s desire to remember and recognize freedom of movement for all beings. Ixchel is mixed race and mixed indigenous (from Huastec territory). Her Western European ancestors are Celt and descendent from French, Scottish and German colonizers. She holds a MFA from Columbia University (NY) and an EdM from Harvard (MA).
Medium: socially engaged art and re-indigenization of cultural cosmologies
Location: Brownsville, TX