National Caregivers Month

During National Family Caregivers Month, it’s important to discuss the central role governments play in supporting caregivers. The COVID-19 pandemic added both clarity and urgency to create more comprehensive and equitable paid family and medical leave policies nationwide. Cite the values of community and economic opportunity.

Hurricane Sandy

On October 29, 2012, Hurricane Sandy hit New York City causing extensive damages to infrastructure in the city. As we’ve seen time and again, natural disasters reveal existing inequality and how climate change disproportionately affects people living in poverty, often in BIPOC communities. Use Hurricane Sandy to push for economic justice in infrastructure, storm preparedness, and recovery spending. Cite the values of Economic Security and Community.

Alexander v. Holmes County Board of Education

On this day in 1969, the Supreme Court ruled in the case of Alexander v. Holmes County Board of Education that schools in the South had to desegregate “immediately,” instead of the previous ruling of “with all deliberate speed.” The case was brought by Beatrice Alexander, on behalf of her children, after she sued the Holmes County, Mississippi School District. At its core, today’s attacks on critical race theory promote dishonesty about our nation’s history. Use this anniversary to acknowledge the ongoing work of racial equity in our schools and communities. Cite the values of Voice, Equality, and Mobility.

Great Depression

On this day in 1929, the Wall Street stock market crashed and plunged the nation into the Great Depression. An array of programs that were part of “The New Deal” assisted millions of unemployed and starving Americans. The economic impacts of COVID-19 focused national attention on the government’s role to assist Americans facing economic hardship through programs like SNAP, Medicaid, and unemployment benefits. Use this anniversary to discuss the values of Economic Security and Community.

U.S. prison population surpassed one million people

On this day in 1994, the Department of Justice announced that the U.S. prison population surpassed one million people for the first time in history. In 2020, the number of people held in local jails and state and federal prisons dropped to roughly 1.8 million — a 14% decrease from 2.1 million in 2019. Use this anniversary to discuss the need to end money bail, release people in response to COVID-19, and end mass incarceration. Cite the values of Redemption and Voice.

Humphrey–Hawkins Full Employment Act

On Oct. 27, 1978, President Jimmy Carter signed into law the Humphrey–Hawkins Full Employment Act to address rising unemployment. As many workers and families continue to struggle with job losses and economic downturn from COVID-19, use this hook to talk about how the government still has a role in assisting Americans who are bearing the brunt of our unfair economic system. Discuss the values of Community and Economic Security.

Birth of Maria Moreno

The first woman farmworker hired to be a union representative, Maria Moreno, was born on this day in 1920. Moreno was a vocal fighter for impoverished farm workers in California in the late 1950s and early 1960s. A film about her life is premiered on PBS in September. Discuss Moreno’s birthday by citing the values of Community, Voice, and Economic Security.

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