National Farmworker Awareness Week

The last seven days of March are National Farmworker Awareness Week. Since 1999, Student Action with Farmworkers has coordinated this week of action to “raise awareness about farmworker issues, honor their everyday contributions, and gain more allies to help advocate for better living and working conditions in the fields.” Farm work exposes workers to significant occupational hazards and has few federal labor protections such as overtime pay or unemployment insurance. Talk about farmworker rights citing the values of economic opportunity, equity, and community.

National Day of Racial Healing

This year, the National Day of Racial Healing will be held on Jan. 16. The annual observance is an opportunity for people, organizations, and communities across the United States to “forge deep, meaningful relationships, lay the groundwork to transform broken systems” and create change. Visit W.K. Kellogg Foundation’s dedicated event website for conversation guides and toolkits tailored to students, philanthropy, business leaders, and more. Cite the values of community, equity, and opportunity on this day. 


As you prepare for the holiday season, help your audiences get ready for effective and meaningful family conversations about racial justice and economic opportunity. Refer to values of equity, voice, and community.


As you prepare for the holiday season, help your audiences get ready for effective and meaningful family conversations. Refer to values of equity, voice, and community.

Andre Maurice Hill

On December 22, 2020, police shot and killed Andre Maurice Hill in Columbus, OH. The officer, who was later fired and indicted by a grand jury, failed to turn on his body camera prior to firing his weapon. When discussing this anniversary, point to the failure of moderate police reforms to keep people safe. Instead, emphasize the need for policymakers to reinvest in Black communities to create economic opportunity and safety.

U.S. Supreme Court ruled against Fred Korematsu

On this day in 1944, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled against Fred Korematsu, declaring the denial of civil liberties based on race and national origin was constitutional. Fred Korematsu was a U.S. citizen and the son of Japanese immigrants. He had refused to be interned with other Japanese-Americans during World War II. Use this anniversary to paint a vision of a nation where racism has no place. Cite the values of equity, voice, and community.

Safe Drinking Water Act

On this day in 1974, President Gerald Ford signed into law the Safe Drinking Water Act. The legislation was supposed to ensure access to safe drinking water across the country, but the law clearly has not been enforced equally, with disparate impacts on Black and other communities of color. Use this anniversary to discuss the issue of environmental racism and the importance of equitable infrastructure spending. Promote the values of community and safety.

Bill of Rights Day

President Franklin D. Roosevelt designated Dec. 15 as Bill of Rights Day to commemorate the first ten amendments becoming a part of the U.S. Constitution. A few years later, Roosevelt called for a Second Bill of Rights to expand economic opporunity and prosperity. In telling your story, we recommend leading with the values of equity and community.

Ella Baker

Today is the birthday of activist Ella Baker, who played an instrumental role in the civil rights movement. Use this day to talk about the intersectional nature of the struggle for racial justice in the United States. Cite the values of equity and community when talking about Ella Baker and her legacy.

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