Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week 

Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week is sponsored each year by the National Coalition for the Homeless and the National Student Campaign Against Hunger and Homelessness. The event is an annual opportunity for people to come together and draw attention to the problems of hunger and homelessness. When talking about homelessness this week, cite the values of community and economic opportunity.

Fall of Berlin Wall

On Nov. 9, 1989 the Berlin Wall fell. The anniversary is an opportunity to discuss militarization at the U.S. southern border and pivot to an affirmative vision of what it looks like to protect human rights and invest in creating economic opportunity in border communities. Cite the values of safety and community.

Renisha McBride

On this day in 2013, 19-year-old Renisha McBride was shot and killed for asking for help after a car crash in Dearborn Heights, Michigan. The homeowner said that he thought his home was being broken into after he heard her knocking on his door early in the morning. Discuss the anniversary of McBride’s death by citing the values of safety and equity.

Carlisle Indian School Opened

The Carlisle Indian School opened in Carlisle, Pennsylvania on Nov. 1, 1879. It was the first boarding school of many that the federal government set up to forcefully assimilate Native children into white culture after taking them from their families. When discussing the United States’ history of Indian schools, cite the values of economic opportunity, community, and voice.

Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead)

Today is Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead). While many associate this holiday with Mexican traditions, festivals to honor and celebrate deceased family members are celebrated in a diverse range of nations worldwide, from Latin America to Haiti to the Philippines. This hook presents not only an opportunity to celebrate cultural traditions but has also been used to demand government agencies be held accountable for deaths in U.S. custody. Cite the values of voice and community when discussing this day.

National Caregivers Month

During National Family Caregivers Month, it’s important to discuss the central role governments play in supporting caregivers. The COVID-19 pandemic added both clarity and urgency to create more comprehensive and equitable paid family and medical leave policies nationwide. Cite the values of community and economic opportunity.

Great Depression

On this day in 1929, the Wall Street stock market crashed and plunged the nation into the Great Depression. An array of programs that were part of “The New Deal” assisted millions of unemployed and starving Americans. The economic impacts of COVID-19 focused national attention on the government’s role to assist Americans facing economic hardship through programs like SNAP, Medicaid, and unemployment benefits. Use this anniversary to discuss the values of Economic Security and Community.

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