Safe Drinking Water Act

On this day in 1974, President Gerald Ford signed into law the Safe Drinking Water Act. The legislation was supposed to ensure access to safe drinking water across the country, but the law clearly has not been enforced equally, with disparate impacts on Black and other communities of color. Use this anniversary to discuss the issue of environmental racism and the importance of equitable infrastructure spending. Promote the values of community and safety.

Ella Baker

Today is the birthday of activist Ella Baker, who played an instrumental role in the civil rights movement. Use this day to talk about the intersectional nature of the struggle for racial justice in the United States. Cite the values of equity and community when talking about Ella Baker and her legacy.

International Human Rights Day

Today is International Human Rights Day, which honors the ratification of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In 2020, FineActs and hope-based comms partnered to create a collection of open source and evergreen artistic content that positively reframes human rights. This is an unbranded, open-source bank of content for the human rights movement. When discussing this hook, we recommend leading with the values of equity, safety, and economic opportunity.

Montgomery Bus Boycott began

On this day, four days after Rosa Parks was arrested, the Montgomery Bus Boycott began. Out of Montgomery’s 50,000 African American residents, 30,000 – 40,000 participated in the boycott. The protest lasted for 381 days. Residents walked, bicycled, or carpooled to deprive the bus company of a substantial portion of its revenue.

Poor People’s Campaign

On this day in 1967, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. told reporters in a press conference that the Southern Christian Leadership Conference would start an initiative that came to be called the Poor People’s Campaign. The campaign continues today. Discuss this anniversary by referring to the values of economic opportunity, equity, and voice.

Harriet Tubman engineered her first rescue mission as part of the Underground Railroad

In December 1850, abolitionist Harriet Tubman engineered her first rescue mission as part of the Underground Railroad. The exact date is unknown. Tubman organized 13 rescues in which she led about 70 people to freedom. Tubman is the subject of the film, “Harriet.” Discuss Tubman’s legacy by citing the values of voice and equity.

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