Remembering Oscar Grant

On Jan. 1, 2009, Oscar Grant III was fatally shot by Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) Police in Oakland, California. On the 13-year anniversary of Grant’s death, ending police brutality and re-defining community safety continue to ground advocacy to move beyond policing. Cite the values of safety, community, and equity when recognizing this anniversary. 

World Day for Social Justice

Observed annually on this date, World Day for Social Justice was established by the United Nations through the International Labor Organization (ILO) to emphasize consensus on the need for fairness and greater employment and economic opportunity for all. Cite the values of community and opportunity when talking about this day.

Emancipation Proclamation

On this day in 1863, the Emancipation Proclamation took effect. The Zinn Education Project notes that few textbooks credit the real anti-slavery heroes in this story: the enslaved themselves, along with their Black and white abolitionist allies. You can also make the connection to attacks on Critical Race Theory and the importance of being honest about our nation’s history. Cite the values of Voice, Equality, and Economic Security. 

The Longest Walk

On this day in 1978, Native American activists launched The Longest Walk, a 3,200-mile spiritual walk across the country to support tribal sovereignty and challenge anti-Indian legislation that limited water rights. Today, supporting indigenous-led campaigns to protect water rights and ancestral lands remains urgent. When discussing this anniversary, cite the values of voice and opportunity.

Winter Storm Uri

On this day in 2021, Winter Storm Uri began rolling into Texas, leaving millions without electricity — and some without water service — across the state. The state’s final report estimates that 246 people died as a result of the storm, with roughly two-thirds of those deaths the result of hypothermia. Similar to recent hurricanes, the natural disaster revealed existing inequalities as people living in poverty struggled to stay warm. Commemorate this date as a reminder of the urgency to ensure racial justice grounds infrastructure debates and climate resilience planning. Cite the values of community and opportunity.

13th Amendment

On this day in 2013, Mississippi officially certified the 13th Amendment, becoming the last state to approve the abolition of slavery and involuntary servitude. The state voted against ratification in 1865, and in 1995 —130 years later— the state legislature voted to ratify the amendment but failed to notify the federal register. Use this anniversary to talk about the continued need for racial justice in the United States, especially in our criminal legal system. Cite the values of safety, opportunity, and community.

Trayvon Martin

Today is the birthday of Trayvon Martin. His death in 2012 and the acquittal of his killer in 2013 launched the #BlackLivesMatter movement. When discussing Trayvon Martin, cite the values of safety and equity.

Transit Equity Day

Today is Transit Equity Day. Organizers chose Feb. 4 to commemorate Rosa Parks’ birthday and hold the annual observance to “make public transit accessible and affordable to all, create good jobs by expanding our public transit systems, and protect our health and climate by using renewable energy to power our buses and trains.”

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

On this day in 1848, the United States and Mexico signed the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, bringing an end to the Mexican–American War and moving the existing border between the two countries. When discussing this treaty, emphasize how proposals to militarize and build walls in border communities run counter to cultural history of the region. Cite the values of equity and safety.

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