Chinese Exclusion Act

On this day in 1882, the Chinese Exclusion Act was signed into law by President Chester A. Arthur. In 2012, the U.S House of Representatives and Senate formally expressed regret for denying basic freedoms to Chinese Americans. Use this anniversary to acknowledge the United States’ long history of anti-Asian racism. Cite the values of equity, voice, and community.

Keith Haring

Today is the birthday of artist Keith Haring, who was a pioneer in pop and street art on LGBTQ issues. Use his birthday to talk about the importance of artists in the struggle for intersectional social justice. Cite the values of voice, equity, and community.

Pete Seeger

Folksinger and activist Pete Seeger was born on this day in 1919. Use his birthday to uplift the essential role of artists and cultural strategies to shift narratives and win policy changes. Cite the values of economic justice, voice, and community.

May Day

May Day is also known as International Workers’ Day. This date has become one of the larger mobilization days to celebrate the important contributions of immigrants to our communities, economy and uplift the need for reforms that uphold human rights and dignity. Talk about the values of community and economic opportunity.

AAPI Heritage Month

It’s Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month. Celebrate by centering the work of AAPI-led organizations and influencers, and paint a vision of what our country can and should be: a safe, inclusive place of participation and belonging where everyone’s rights are protected and respected. Discuss both the gains and challenges confronting AAPI communities with the values of safety, equity, community, and voice.

Workers Memorial Day

On Workers Memorial Day, labor unions and organizations working for occupational safety remember those who have suffered and died on the job, while renewing the fight for safe jobs. Cite the values of economic opportunity, community, and voice when discussing this day.

Earth Day

Today is Earth Day, a day to support environmental protection and advocate for the importance of racial justice to guide climate change solutions. Use the values of community, equity, and voice.

Dolores Huerta

Today is the birthday of labor organizer and activist Dolores Huerta (1930). Use this anniversary to discuss the concerns of immigrant workers in the U.S. today. Cite the values of equity, voice, and economic opportunity.

Scottsboro Trial

On this day in 1931, the first Scottsboro Trial started. Despite the lack of evidence, nine African-American teenage boys were falsely accused and eight were convicted of rape by an all-white jury. Their case gained national attention and sparked outcry from civil rights groups who organized legal defense to clear their names. Use this anniversary to discuss the continued need for criminal justice reform. Cite the values of equity and voice.

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