Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996

On this day in 1996, President Bill Clinton signed into law the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, known as “Welfare Reform.”  The act created Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). In recent years, most states have severely weakened supports for low-income families, with a disproportionate impact on children in BIPOC communities. Use this anniversary to talk about the need for safety programs and the values of economic opportunity and community.


Woodstock, one of the biggest rock festivals of all time and a cultural touchstone for the late 1960s, began on this day in 1969. Use this anniversary to talk about art and culture’s role in creating social justice. Cite the values of voice and community.

Birth of Hip-Hop

On this day in 1973, hip-hop was officially born. At a dance party in the Bronx, NY, DJ Kool Herc used two turntables to create a “break beat.” Hip hop became a messaging tool for political activism. Use this anniversary to talk about art and culture’s role in creating social justice. Cite the values of voice and community.

Niagara Movement

On July 11, 1905, W.E.B Du Bois and William Monroe Trotter gathered Black leaders and launched the Niagara Movement, one of the organizations that paved the way for the formation of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). The convening met at Niagara Falls, in Ontario, Canada, because hotels on the U.S. side of the falls barred Black people. Among their platform’s demands was the abolition of all caste distinctions based on race or color. Discuss this anniversary by citing the values of voice and equity.

Frida Kahlo

On this day in 1907, the pioneering artist and activist Frida Kahlo was born. Today her iconic work and image are shared as examples of politically engaged art and unapologetic self-expression. Use this hook to talk about the role of artists in social justice activism. Cite the values of voice and community.

Civil Rights Act of 1964

On this day, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed into law the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the landmark civil rights and labor law that prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Use this anniversary to reaffirm the values of voice, economic opportunity, and community.

Father’s Day

Father’s Day is an important time to talk about racial justice and economic opportunity with your community. The separation of immigrant families, impacts of discriminatory policing and mass incarceration, and cultural attacks on LGBTQ+ communities can make this a hard and heavy day for many. Talk about the need to protect family unity and inclusively celebrate all families on this date. Focus on the values of opportunity, safety, and equity. 

Tribeca Film Festival

The Tribeca Festival in New York City is one of the major film festivals held annually and includes not only film premieres and competitions but also live music performances and industry talks on film, television, audio storytelling, and more. Visit the festival website for information on passes and packages. Cite the values of voice and opportunity when discussing the importance of pop culture and media to shifting narratives on social issues. 

Immigrant Heritage Month

First celebrated in June 2014, Immigrant Heritage Month celebrates the social, cultural, and economic contributions of immigrants to the United States. Powered by Education Fund, this annual event aims to drive affirmative narratives by encouraging immigrants and allies to share their stories and drive action in their communities. Reference the values of opportunity, community, and voice.

Trump’s Muslim Ban

Today is the anniversary of President Trump’s “Muslim Ban” executive order which barred the entry of nationals and refugees from 11 Muslim-majority nations. The Supreme Court later upheld a similar, updated ban. The Biden administration rescinded the policy as one of its first executive actions following the inauguration, but the date reminds us of our ongoing work to counter xenophobia and replace it with policies and narratives to welcome immigrants and refugees. When discussing this anniversary, cite the values of Voice, Community, and Economic Security. 

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