Trump’s Migrant Protection Protocols

On this day in 2019, the Trump administration announced implementation of the “Migrant Protection Protocols” (better known as the “Remain in Mexico” policy) for asylum-seekers arriving at the U.S./Mexico border. In December, the Biden administration reached an agreement with Mexico to restart the program and has continued to employ the controversial Title 42 law to rapidly expel people seeking asylum at our border. Combined, these practices offend our legal and moral obligations to protect human rights through providing safe, effective processes for people to seek protection before immigration judges. Cite the values of Voice, Equality, and Community on this date. 

Right to Privacy: Roe v. Wade

On this day in 1973, the Supreme Court upheld the “right to privacy” in the case of Roe v. Wade, protecting the right to choose whether or not to have an abortion nationwide. The Supreme Court’s decision to overturn decades of precedent in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization significantly threatens reproductive justice in numerous states. The decision also galvanized communities and voters to take action and pass new protections upholding people’s right to access safe abortions. When talking about this anniversary, cite the values of opportunity, voice, and equity.

National Day of Racial Healing

Today is the National Day of Racial Healing, an opportunity for people, organizations and communities across the United States to “forge deep, meaningful relationships, lay the groundwork to transform broken systems” and create change. Visit W.K. Kellogg Foundation’s dedicated event website for conversation guides and toolkits tailored to students, philanthropy, business leaders and more. Cite the values of Community, Equality, and Economic Security on this day. 

Human Trafficking Awareness Day

Human Trafficking Awareness Day is an opportunity to draw more attention to forced labor, debt bondage, involuntary servitude, and sex trafficking affecting thousands of men, women, and children in the U.S. and around the world. This year’s commemoration comes roughly a month after VICE News reported on one of the largest investigations of “modern-day slavery” impacting migrant laborers in South Georgia. Refer to the values of Voice, Economic Security, and Equality when discussing human trafficking. 

Slave Rebellion Reenactment

On this day in 1811, 500 enslaved Africans, representing 50 different nations with 50 different languages, revolted and fought against U.S. troops and militias not just for their own emancipation, but to end slavery. The ultimate goal of the “German Coast Uprising” (as it came to be known) was to create an independent Black republic with New Orleans as its capital. Artist Dread Scott organized aSlave Rebellion Reenactment as a profound “what if?” story for freedom. 

The War on Poverty

On this day in 1891, folklorist, anthropologist, and author Zora Neale Hurston was born. Hurston is best known for her 1937 novel Their Eyes Were Watching God. In her work for the Works Project Administration (WPA), she also documented songs and life histories of interesting, everyday people, including labor conditions. Discuss Hurston’s birthday by citing the values of Voice, Equality, and Community. 

January 6th

On this day last year, a violent mob agitated by disinformation — including the words of the president and some congressional members — descended upon the U.S. Capitol building to undermine a democratic election. As we look back at the deadly events of this date, it’s important to remind audiences of our long-term vision moving forward. Uplift the voices of BIPOC leaders and celebrate the resilience of communities who turned out to vote in an election year threatened by voter suppression, White Supremacist violence, and COVID-19. Emphasize the values of Voice, Safety, and Dignity.  

The Lemon Grove Incident

The struggle for desegregated schools is often seen as an East Coast issue. On Jan. 5, 1931, however, the principal of the Lemon Grove Grammar School refused to admit Mexican-American and migrant children. The resulting legal case, Roberto Alvarez vs. the Board of Trustees of the Lemon Grove School District, became the first successful school desegregation court decision in the history of the United States. Cite the values of Voice, Equality, and Community. 

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