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Editorial Calendar

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Loving Day

Loving Day celebrates the anniversary of the 1967 United States Supreme Court decision on the case of Loving v. Virginia, which struck down all state laws banning interracial marriage. In […]

Plyler v. Doe

On this day in 1982, the Supreme Court ruled in the case of Plyler v. Doe that states could not deny public education to students who were not legally admitted […]

Father’s Day

Father's Day is an important time to talk about racial justice and economic opportunity with your community. The separation of immigrant families, impacts of discriminatory policing and mass incarceration, and […]


Juneteenth commemorates the day in 1865 when enslaved Americans gained their freedom in Texas, more than two years after the Emancipation Proclamation. Today's celebrations provide the opportunity to discuss the […]

World Refugee Day

Recognized annually on this day, World Refugee Day commemorates the strength, courage, and perseverance of millions of refugees. From the impacts of climate change to fleeing violence, connect this international […]

Beyond Democracy: Mobilizing Voters of Color


Democracy belongs to everyone. Yet, many voters of color feel overlooked, viewing the outcomes of elections as serving the interests of a select few. We can change that by sharing […]


The G.I. Bill

On this day in 1944, President Truman signed the G.I. Bill. As a result, thousands of World War II veterans were able to apply for funds for college education, unemployment […]

Muslim Ban

On this day in 2018, the Supreme Court upheld the third iteration of President Trump’s “Muslim Ban.” Previously, lower federal courts had found each iteration to be blatantly anti-Muslim, unconstitutional, […]

Bree Newsome

On this day in 2015, activist Bree Newsome removed the Confederate battle flag after climbing the flagpole in front of the South Carolina Capitol building. Confederate flags and monuments honoring […]

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