Jesse Van Tol

Jesse Van Tol headshotJesse Van Tol is Director of Membership and Organizing for the National Community Reinvestment Coalition. In that capacity, he is responsible for implementing comprehensive communications and outreach strategies that highlight the organization’s membership, public policy positions and programs.

Van Tol oversees a department of three communications staff, who are responsible for producing creative and content for newsletters and publications, press materials, web and electronic communications and other collateral.

Van Tol has regularly placed NCRC’s expert commentary in the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Associated Press, Bloomberg, Reuters and in hundreds of other outlets. In his time at NCRC, the organization has appeared on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, CSPAN, PBS, CNBC, Bloomberg, Fox Business News, NPR and on TV and radio programs across the country.

Van Tol received his B.A. in History and International Studies from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

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