Qiana Torregano

Qiana Torregano headshotQiana Marie Torregano is a New Orleans native, Master Teacher, and RESULTS Spokesperson. She is humbled to represent her eclectic city and great state as an educator and advocate. Her vision is “A quality lifestyle for every citizen. As lifelong learners we are charged to use our knowledge and voices as an antidote to injustice – so that righteousness is infinite.” Qiana currently serve as a K-8 English Language Arts Instructional Coach. She has been dedicated to providing high quality instruction in both public and charter schools located in underserved urban communities in Louisiana for the past 15 years. Qiana holds a Masters degree in Curriculum and Instruction, a Level 3 Teaching Certificate and 27 hours into a Master’s in Criminal Justice. She has been a proud member of the RESULTS Experts on Poverty cohort since 2014. Qiana believes a quality education is critical and policy awareness is key to transforming the minds of our communities into advocates who are actively engaged in shaping our future regardless of their circumstances. Qiana is excited and committed to utilizing her knowledge and experiences to eagerly serve our children, our community, our country.

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