Slave Rebellion Reenactment

On this day in 1811, 500 enslaved Africans, representing 50 different nations with 50 different languages, revolted and fought against U.S. troops and militias not just for their own emancipation, but to end slavery. The ultimate goal of the “German Coast Uprising” (as it came to be known) was to create an independent Black republic with New Orleans as its capital. Artist Dread Scott organized aSlave Rebellion Reenactment as a profound “what if?” story for freedom. 

The War on Poverty

On this day in 1891, folklorist, anthropologist, and author Zora Neale Hurston was born. Hurston is best known for her 1937 novel Their Eyes Were Watching God. In her work for the Works Project Administration (WPA), she also documented songs and life histories of interesting, everyday people, including labor conditions. Discuss Hurston’s birthday by citing the values of Voice, Equality, and Community. 

The Lemon Grove Incident

The struggle for desegregated schools is often seen as an East Coast issue. On Jan. 5, 1931, however, the principal of the Lemon Grove Grammar School refused to admit Mexican-American and migrant children. The resulting legal case, Roberto Alvarez vs. the Board of Trustees of the Lemon Grove School District, became the first successful school desegregation court decision in the history of the United States. Cite the values of Voice, Equality, and Community. 

World Day for Social Justice

Observed annually on this date, World Day for Social Justice was established by the United Nations through the International Labor Organization (ILO) to emphasize consensus on the need for fairness and greater employment and economic opportunity for all. Cite the values of community and opportunity when talking about this day.

Emancipation Proclamation

On this day in 1863, the Emancipation Proclamation took effect. The Zinn Education Project notes that few textbooks credit the real anti-slavery heroes in this story: the enslaved themselves, along with their Black and white abolitionist allies. You can also make the connection to attacks on Critical Race Theory and the importance of being honest about our nation’s history. Cite the values of Voice, Equality, and Economic Security. 

National Farmworker Awareness Week

The last seven days of March are National Farmworker Awareness Week. Since 1999, Student Action with Farmworkers has coordinated this week of action to “raise awareness about farmworker issues, honor their everyday contributions, and gain more allies to help advocate for better living and working conditions in the fields.” Farm work exposes workers to significant occupational hazards and has few federal labor protections such as overtime pay or unemployment insurance. Talk about farmworker rights citing the values of economic opportunity, equity, and community.

May Day

May Day is also known as International Workers’ Day. This date has become one of the larger mobilization days to celebrate the important contributions of immigrants to our communities, economy and uplift the need for reforms that uphold human rights and dignity. Talk about the values of community and economic opportunity.

Dolores Huerta

Today is the birthday of labor organizer and activist Dolores Huerta (1930). Use this anniversary to discuss the concerns of immigrant workers in the U.S. today. Cite the values of equity, voice, and economic opportunity.

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