Communications Institute
The Opportunity Agenda’s Communications Institute is an annual event that brings together diverse social justice leaders from around the nation for intensive communications skill-building and support. The Institute, which takes place in New York City, is a four-day residency that prepares the movement’s up-and-coming voices to cut through the noise with effective messages that will persuade and mobilize key audiences.
Enrique Morones
Founder, Border AngelsNative San Diegan Enrique Morones is an internationally acclaimed human rights advocate. He was formerly the highest-ranking Latino in Major League Baseball (1995-2001) as Vice President of Latino & Diversity Marketing for the San Diego Padres. In 1986, Enrique founded Border Angles’ “Saving Migrant Lives,” placing life-saving water on the...
Get To know EnriqueRoberta Myers
Director, National H.I.R.E. Network of the Legal Action CenterRoberta became the Director of the National H.I.R.E. Network in 2007. Before this, she held other policy and direct service positions at the Legal Action Center. She has worked to improve criminal justice policies that directly affect employment and re-entry opportunities for people with criminal records; trained hundreds of workforce...
Get To know RobertaRev. Erica N. Williams, M.Div.
National Social Justice Organizer, Repairers of the BreachRev. Erica N. Williams is a preacher, activist and community leader, who serves with head and heart. Rev. Erica is a 2016 graduate of The Howard University School of Divinity. Currently, she serves as a National Social Justice Organizer for Repairers of the Breach, a social justice organization founded by...
Get To know Rev. EricaRicardo J. Negron-Almodovar
Legal Services Coordinator, LatinoJustice PRLDEFIn his role, Ricardo J. Negron-Almodovar assist those transitioning from Puerto Rico to Florida after Hurricane Maria devastated the island and led election protection efforts to ensure access to the ballot box for Spanish-dominant voters.
Get To know Ricardo J.Matt Nelson
Executive Director, Presente.orgMatt Nelson serves as the Executive Director of—the nation’s largest online Latinx organizing group; advancing social justice with technology, media, and culture. Before his work at, Matt was the Organizing Director at and prior to that, he co-founded several worker-owned cooperatives in multiple Midwestern cities, including a...
Get To know MattRev. Vivian Nixon
Executive Director, College and Community FellowshipVivian Nixon is Executive Director of College and Community Fellowship (CCF), an organization committed to removing individual and structural barriers to higher education for women with criminal record histories and their families. She is currently a Columbia University Community Scholar and has received multiple honors, including the John Jay Medal...
Get To know Rev. VivianZachary Norris
Executive Director, Ella Baker Center for Human RightsZachary Norris is the Executive Director of the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, former director of our Books Not Bars campaign, a Harvard graduate, and an NYU-educated attorney. Prior to rejoining the Ella Baker Center, Zachary founded and co-directed Justice for Families, a national alliance of family-driven organizations working...
Get To know ZacharyMark O'Brien
Director of Opioid Overdose Prevention and Treatment, Baltimore City Health Department | Behavioral Health System BaltimoreMark O'Brien is the Baltimore City Director of Opioid Overdose Prevention and Treatment where he works to implement a multi-agency response to the opioid crisis and resulting overdose deaths. Prior to starting at BCHD and BSHB, Mark was a Senior Criminal Justice Policy Associate and Acting Director of Communications in...
Get To know MarkPriscilla Olivarez
Policy Attorney, Immigrant Legal Resource CenterPriscilla Olivarez is a Policy Attorney at the Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC) based in San Antonio, TX. Priscilla's other advocacy experience includes working abroad, providing legal support to survivors of human trafficking in the Philippines. Priscilla has also advocated on behalf of survivors of domestic violence and represented unaccompanied...
Get To know PriscillaVictor Palafox
Steering Committee Member/Organizer, Alabama Coalition for Immigrant Justice/Immigrant Youth Leadership Initiative of AlabamaVictor Palafox is a community organizer and aspiring History teacher based in the suburbs of Birmingham, Alabama with the Immigrant Youth Leadership Initiative of Alabama and a Steering Committee member with the Alabama Coalition for Immigrant Justice. Born in Mexico City, he was raised in Alabama, has resided there ever...
Get To know Victor