Communications Institute
The Opportunity Agenda’s Communications Institute is an annual event that brings together diverse social justice leaders from around the nation for intensive communications skill-building and support. The Institute, which takes place in New York City, is a four-day residency that prepares the movement’s up-and-coming voices to cut through the noise with effective messages that will persuade and mobilize key audiences.
Jennifer Ramo
Executive Director, AppleseedJennifer Ramo is the founder and Executive Director of New Mexico Appleseed. An experienced attorney, she designed New Mexico Appleseed’s effective system of change and created Appleseed’s first in the nation programs such as the Hunger-Free Students’ Bill of Rights (prohibited lunch shaming children whose parents owe school meal debt),...
Get To know JenniferJason Reece
Senior Researcher, Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race & EthnicityJason Reece is a Senior Researcher at the Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race & Ethnicity at The Ohio State University and has worked for the Institute since 2003. He manages and directs the Opportunity Communities Initiative, which includes all GIS, housing, community development, neighborhood revitalization, and regional equity...
Get To know JasonAseante Renee
Director of Communications, Common JusticeAseante Renee is a strategy and communications executive with over 12 years of experience working at the intersections of healing, wellness, and criminal justice. Currently, she is the Director of Communications at Common Justice, a nonprofit that develops and advances solutions to violence that transform the lives of those harmed...
Get To know AseanteLaurie Reynolds
Assistant Professor, University of Illinois at ChicagoLaurie Jo was the organizer for Tamms Year Ten, a grassroots campaign to close the notorious supermax in Tamms, Illinois, shuttered in 2013 by Governor Pat Quinn. As a 2010 Soros Justice Fellow, she advocated for best practices to stop sexual abuse and reduce recidivism. Recent exhibits and honors include:...
Get To know LaurieTroy Rienstra
Outreach Director, Safe and Just MichiganTroy Rienstra joined Safe and Just Michigan in 2017 and works to advance the organization’s outreach program by elevating the voices of people directly harmed by the effects of crime and punishment. He is responsible for outreach activities to crime survivors, formerly incarcerated individuals and their family members, and the...
Get To know TroyPaheadra Robinson
Director, Consumer Legal Resource Center, Mississippi Center for JusticeJackson-native Paheadra Robinson directs the Consumer Legal Resource Center of the Mississippi Center for Justice. She is a graduate of Tougaloo College and the University of Mississippi School of Law. In addition to private practice, Robinson has also served as legislative counsel to three House committees: Conservation and Water Management,...
Get To know PaheadraChristy Rogers
Director of Outreach, Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and EthnicityChristy Rogers is the Director of Outreach at the Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity, where she has worked since 2004. She focuses on equitable neighborhood revitalization and federal housing policy, particularly housing finance reform. Rogers holds a B.A. in English, an M.A. in English, a MLA...
Get To know ChristyAngelina Rosado
Founder and Executive Director, Returning Hope Inc.On her journey to surviving and escaping a toxic and abusive relationship, Angelina Rosad0 sought help from countless organizations to no avail. Instead of giving up, she decided to return hope and founded Returning Hope - an organization dedicated towards empowering survivors and educating the next generation.
Get To know AngelinaKalima Rose
Senior Director and Director of PolicyLink Center for Infrastructure Equity, PolicyLinkKalima Rose, Senior Director and Director of the PolicyLink Center for Infrastructure Equity, works with the infrastructure team to steer resources for transportation, housing, and key amenities to communities of opportunity. Rose helps local and statewide groups implement economic stimulus funds for greater workforce participation and new investments in underserved...
Get To know KalimaKeith Rushing
2013 Communications Fellow, The Opportunity AgendaKeith Rushing, a native of Queens, New York, is a graduate of Carleton College and the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. He worked as a print journalist for newspapers in Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Virginia, and California. He worked in a number of reporting beats including local government, education, and crime....
Get To know Keith