Our Fellows
The Opportunity Agenda’s Communications Institute Fellows are media-ready experts on some of the country’s most urgent challenges, coming largely from communities most affected by those challenges. For journalists seeking voices with a grassroots perspective that links economic opportunity, criminal justice, immigrant opportunity, and racial justice issues to the lived experiences of Americans, Communications Fellows are ideal spokespeople.
Gina Womak
Executive Director, Families and Friends of Louisiana's Incarcerated ChildrenGina Womack is the Director and Co-Founder of Families and Friends of Louisiana's Incarcerated Children (FFLIC), a statewide membership-based organization dedicated to creating a better life for Louisiana's youth who are involved, or at risk of becoming involved, in the juvenile justice system. Working with allies in Louisiana, FLIC closed...
Get To know GinaOmair Zabih
Staff Attorney, Nebraska AppleseedOmaid Zabih is a Staff Attorney with the Immigrant Integration and Civic Participation Program at Nebraska Appleseed Center for Law in the Public Interest. Nebraska Appleseed is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, public interest law center dedicated to equal justice and full opportunity for all Nebraskans. The mission of Appleseed’s immigrant program...
Get To know Omair