Our Fellows
The Opportunity Agenda’s Communications Institute Fellows are media-ready experts on some of the country’s most urgent challenges, coming largely from communities most affected by those challenges. For journalists seeking voices with a grassroots perspective that links economic opportunity, criminal justice, immigrant opportunity, and racial justice issues to the lived experiences of Americans, Communications Fellows are ideal spokespeople.
Soffiyah Elijah
Executive Director, Correctional Association of New YorkSoffiyah Elijah is the Executive Director of the Correctional Association (CA) of New York. She is the first woman and the first person of color to lead this extraordinary organization in its mission to create a fairer and more humane criminal justice system. Under her leadership, the CA now celebrates...
Get To know SoffiyahBrian Erickson
Border Policy Strategist, ACLU of New Mexico Regional Center for Border Rights (RCBR)Brian Erickson joined the ACLU of New Mexico Regional Center for Border Rights (RCBR) in August of 2010 as a Border Servant Corps volunteer to support and eventually lead RCBR community organizing and abuse documentation initiatives. In his current role of Border Policy Strategist, Brian coordinates policy advocacy, communications, and...
Get To know BrianJordan Estevao
Director, Save the American Dream Campaign, National People's ActionJordan Estevao is the Director of National People's Action's Bank Accountability Campaign, a national effort to mobilize communities throughout the country in the fight to hold banks accountable. He was the lead organizer of the 2009 Showdown in Chicago that included three days of direct action targeting the American Bankers...
Get To know JordanKat Evasco
Program Director of Artist Leadership, Center for Cultural PowerKat Evasco is a queer, Pinay immigrant writer, theater artist, and content creator committed to honoring and celebrating the experiences of immigrants, women, and LGBTQ communities.
Get To know KatRicardo Favela
Communications Director, Alliance San DiegoRicardo Favela is the son of migrant workers who settled in North San Diego County. Ricardo has been involved in social justice issues in his community since high school. He is currently the Communications Director of Alliance San Diego and provides strategic communications for the Southern Border Communities Coalition. He...
Get To know RicardoMichelle Fei
Co-Director, Immigrant Defense ProjectMichelle Fei, Co-Director of the Immigrant Defense Project, focuses her substantive work on community education and policy initiatives, including by designing and implementing educational programs about criminal-immigration issues, providing accessible analyses of legislative proposals, and challenging deportation programs. She successfully co-led the campaign to end “Secure Communities” in New York....
Get To know MichelleAnthony Francisco, Jr.
Elected Representative, Tohono O’odham Legislative BranchMy name is Anthony Francisco Jr. I keep the junior portion to remind me of my father. I am Tohono O'odham (desert person) from southern Arizona where I raise my kids, run, work, and serve my community wherever I can. Currently, I sit as an elected representative for our tribe’s...
Get To know AnthonyMelissa Franqui
Communications and Marketing Manager, Drug Policy AllianceMelissa Franqui is the Manager of Communications and Marketing for the Drug Policy Alliance. She manages the execution of campaigns with visual components, as well as the promotion of publications and merchandise. Melissa also directs branding and multi-media assets for DPA’s events. She is passionate about social justice and is...
Get To know MelissaKassandra Frederique
Policy Manager, Drug Policy AllianceKassandra Frederique is the New York Policy Manager at the Drug Policy Alliance. She works to build powerful coalitions in communities devastated by drug misuse and the war on drugs. Kassandra currently manages the Fairness and Equity campaign, which is working throughout New York state to end racially biased marijuana...
Get To know KassandraEduardo Garcia
Field Manager, The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human RightsEduardo Garcia is a field manager at the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights in Washington, DC. In this role he facilitates multicultural coalition efforts to advance federal campaigns in a key set of states. Prior to joining The Leadership Conference, Eduardo worked at Campus Progress, the youth organizing...
Get To know Eduardo