Our Fellows
The Opportunity Agenda’s Communications Institute Fellows are media-ready experts on some of the country’s most urgent challenges, coming largely from communities most affected by those challenges. For journalists seeking voices with a grassroots perspective that links economic opportunity, criminal justice, immigrant opportunity, and racial justice issues to the lived experiences of Americans, Communications Fellows are ideal spokespeople.
Josh Healey
Josh Healey is an award-winning comedic writer, performer, filmmaker, and creative activist.
Get To know JoshJasmine Heiss
Initiative Director, Vera Institute of JusticeJasmine Heiss leads the Vera Institute of Justice’s national work to reduce jail incarceration and eliminate money bail, with a particular focus on smaller cities and rural counties. She previously served as the deputy director of The Coalition for Public Safety, the nation's largest bipartisan effort to reform the U.S....
Get To know JasmineNorris Henderson
Executive Director, VOTENorris Henderson, current E.D. of VOTE, a nonprofit organization designed to educate, organize and mobilize formerly incarcerated persons in Louisiana. He is currently the recipient of the 2015 Martinet Society Earl Amedee Award for advancing the cause of justice. The 2014 Data News Weekly “Trailblazer of the Year” Award...
Get To know NorrisEunisses Hernandez
Executive Director and Co-Founder, La DefensaEunisses Hernandez is a policy advocate and campaign strategist with nearly a decade of experience in working with communities most devastated by criminalization, the war on drugs, and mass incarceration.
Get To know EunissesChristine Hoang
Christine Hoang is a Vietnamese American screenwriter, playwright, director, actor, producer, and recovering lawyer based in Austin, Texas.
Get To know ChristineTeresa Hodge
Co-founder and Director of Strategy and Innovation, Mission: Launch, Inc.A committed champion for people living with arrest and/or conviction records in America, it was a 70-month federal prison sentence that introduced Teresa Hodge first-hand to the criminal justice system. Upon coming home, she co-founded Mission: Launch, Inc. with her daughter, Laurin Hodge. In 2016, Teresa became an Open Society...
Get To know TeresaRobert Saleem Holbrook
Executive Director, Abolitionist Law CenterFormerly incarcerated, Robert Saleem Holbrook writes extensively on prison abuse, social injustice, state violence and juveniles charged and sentenced as adults.
Get To know Robert SaleemDeAnna Hoskins
President and CEO, JustLeadershipUSA (JLUSA)DeAnna Hoskins is president and CEO of JustLeadershipUSA (JLUSA). Dedicated to cutting the U.S. correctional population in #halfby2030, JLUSA empowers people most affected by incarceration to drive policy reform. A nationally recognized leader and dynamic public speaker, DeAnna has been committed to the movement for justice, working alongside people impacted by...
Get To know DeAnnaCharon Hribar
Director of Cultural Strategies, The New Poor People’s CampaignCharon Hribar is the Director of Cultural Strategies and Poor People's Campaign Revivals Coordinator for the Kairos Center for Religions, Rights, and Social Justice. Over the past 15 years, Charon has been committed to the work of political education and leadership development. She has particular interest in developing the use...
Get To know CharonLaura A. Hughes
Director of Narrative Strategies, PolicyLinkLaura A. Hughes, Director of Narrative Strategies at PolicyLink, is a curious learner, change-maker, and persuasive leader with high emotional intelligence. In this role, Laura is responsible for harnessing the power of narrative to advance racial equity and justice specific to housing for the more than one million individuals who...
Get To know Laura A.