Team Category: 2014 Communications Institute
Glenn Martin
Founder, JustLeadership USAGlenn is the founder of JustLeadershipUSA, a national nonpartisan membership organization whose goal is to reduce by 2030 the number of people in prison by half. He is co-founder of the Education Inside Out Coalition, a 2011-2012 America’s Leaders of Change National Urban Fellow, and a member of the boards...
Get To know GlennNicole Pittman
Stoneleigh Fellow, National Council on Crime & DelinquencyNicole is a national expert on defending juveniles charged with sex offenses. In 2013, as a Soros Justice Advocacy Fellow at Human Rights Watch, she authored Raised on the Registry, the first examination of the consequences of registration on youth sex offenders. In 2014, Pittman received a Stoneleigh Fellowship with...
Get To know NicoleDelia Vega
Executive Director for Local and State Organizing, EPOCADelia was introduced to Ex-prisoners Organizing for Community Advancement (EPOCA) seven years ago when she was in a six- month residential facility after being paroled. She became a volunteer leader for 20 months and was hired in August 2008 as a professional Community Organizer. As EPOCA members engaged Delia in...
Get To know DeliaVince Warren
Executive Director, Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR)Vincent currently serves as the Executive Director of the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR), an organization that protects and advances rights guaranteed by the Constitution through groundbreaking litigation. Prior to joining the CCR, Vincent litigated civil rights cases for the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), monitored hearings for South Africa’s...
Get To know VinceArt Way
Senior Drug Policy Manager, Drug Policy AllianceArt is Senior Drug Policy Manager at Drug Policy Alliance, based in Denver. Art is a graduate of Florida Coastal School of Law, where he was appalled at the gap between our theoretical constitutional liberties and what he witnessed growing up during the escalation of the drug war in the 1980s....
Get To know ArtAlisa Welleck
Co-Executive Director, Immigrant Defense ProjectAlisa is Co-Executive Director of the Immigrant Defense Project, where she helps guide IDP's work to fight for the rights of all immigrants accused or convicted of crimes. Through advocacy, community education, and litigation, Alisa focuses on challenging programs that entangle local law enforcement and Immigrant and Customs Enforcement (ICE)...
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