2015 Communications Institute
Dante Barry
Executive Director, Million Hoodies Movement for JusticeDante Barry is a grassroots organizer, digital campaigner, and the Executive Director of Million Hoodies Movement for Justice. Previously, Dante ran campaigns, organizing, and leadership development programs for national progressive organizations including the Center for Media Justice, the Roosevelt Institute, School Based Health Alliance, and the Political Development Group, LLC....
Get To know DanteKhalil Cumberbatch
Policy Associate, Legal Action CenterKhalil A. Cumberbatch is a formerly incarcerated advocate for social justice movements within the NYC area. He has worked within the re-entry community in NYC since 2010, when he was released after serving almost seven years in the NYS prison system. Since his release, Khalil has worked with various nonprofits...
Get To know KhalilSoffiyah Elijah
Executive Director, Correctional Association of New YorkSoffiyah Elijah is the Executive Director of the Correctional Association (CA) of New York. She is the first woman and the first person of color to lead this extraordinary organization in its mission to create a fairer and more humane criminal justice system. Under her leadership, the CA now celebrates...
Get To know SoffiyahRicardo Favela
Communications Director, Alliance San DiegoRicardo Favela is the son of migrant workers who settled in North San Diego County. Ricardo has been involved in social justice issues in his community since high school. He is currently the Communications Director of Alliance San Diego and provides strategic communications for the Southern Border Communities Coalition. He...
Get To know RicardoKassandra Frederique
Policy Manager, Drug Policy AllianceKassandra Frederique is the New York Policy Manager at the Drug Policy Alliance. She works to build powerful coalitions in communities devastated by drug misuse and the war on drugs. Kassandra currently manages the Fairness and Equity campaign, which is working throughout New York state to end racially biased marijuana...
Get To know KassandraJamila Hammami
Executive Director, Queer Detainee Empowerment ProjectJamila is a queer first-generation Tunisian- Arab woman of color community organizer and social worker from the South now based in New York. She is a Founder and Executive Director of the Queer Detainee Empowerment Project. She is a graduate of the Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College...
Get To know JamilaCaroline Isaacs
Program Director, American Friends Service CommitteeCaroline holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from the College of Wooster and a Masters in Social Work from Arizona State University. She has authored several reports on the poor performance of for-profit incarceration in Arizona, including Private Prisons: The Public’s Problem (2011), which has been cited nationally as...
Get To know CarolineElon James White
CEO, This Week in Blackness Media LLCElon James White is a writer, performer, radio host, and CEO of This Week in Blackness Media, LLC, which is the home of the award-winning web series This Week in Blackness and TWiB! Radio. Elon has been featured on MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry, Up With Chris (Now All In With Chris...
Get To know ElonRoberta Myers
Director, National H.I.R.E. Network of the Legal Action CenterRoberta became the Director of the National H.I.R.E. Network in 2007. Before this, she held other policy and direct service positions at the Legal Action Center. She has worked to improve criminal justice policies that directly affect employment and re-entry opportunities for people with criminal records; trained hundreds of workforce...
Get To know RobertaRev. Vivian Nixon
Executive Director, College and Community FellowshipVivian Nixon is Executive Director of College and Community Fellowship (CCF), an organization committed to removing individual and structural barriers to higher education for women with criminal record histories and their families. She is currently a Columbia University Community Scholar and has received multiple honors, including the John Jay Medal...
Get To know Rev. Vivian