Community Action Month

Community Action Month calls attention to the positive programs by Community Action Agencies that help thousands of families across the United States. These organizations were founded in 1964 as part of the War on Poverty and funded by Community Services block grants. Join the conversation by using the values of community and economic opportunity.

AAPI Heritage Month

It’s Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month. Celebrate by centering the work of AAPI-led organizations and influencers, and paint a vision of what our country can and should be: a safe, inclusive place of participation and belonging where everyone’s rights are protected and respected. Discuss both the gains and challenges confronting AAPI communities with the values of safety, equity, community, and voice.

Workers Memorial Day

On Workers Memorial Day, labor unions and organizations working for occupational safety remember those who have suffered and died on the job, while renewing the fight for safe jobs. Cite the values of economic opportunity, community, and voice when discussing this day.

March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Equal Rights and Liberation

On this day in 1993, the March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Equal Rights and Liberation became one of the largest protests in American history with more than one million participants. “Transgender” was omitted from the title because organizers failed to gain support for its addition. Cite the values of community and voice when discussing this anniversary.

Lesbian Visibility Week

Today is also the kickoff of Lesbian Visibility Week. In 2008, Diva Publisher Linda Rily celebrated the first Lesbian Visibility Day, which later became a weeklong celebration that aims to celebrate ALL LGBTQI+ women and non-binary people. Use this hook to discuss intersectionality and racial and economic justice by citing the values of economic opportunity, community, and voice.

Earth Day

Today is Earth Day, a day to support environmental protection and advocate for the importance of racial justice to guide climate change solutions. Use the values of community, equity, and voice.

Tax Day

This year’s Tax Day deadline is April 18. The pandemic laid bare both economic inequities and the importance of government revenue to fund key human and physical infrastructure improvements and support programs. Cite the values of economic opportunity and community when talking about the importance of taxes.

Black Sunday

On this day in 1935, the worst dust storm in American history caused immense economic and agricultural damage across several states in what came to be known as “Black Sunday.” It’s important to commemorate how government intervention helped alleviate the crisis in the 1930s and how vital federal aid today can help Americans weather environmental catastrophes due to climate change. Cite the values of economic opportunity and community.

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