51st Anniversary of Attica Uprising

This year marks the 51st anniversary of the Attica Uprising in New York state. From September 9-13, 1,300 incarcerated men took control of the Attica Correctional Facility and made a series of demands to prison administrators. In the assault by state police to retake the prison, 39 people were killed. Use this anniversary to talk about the need for decarceration, made more urgent by the threat of COVID-19 to the health of people incarcerated in inhumane facilities. Cite the values of Voice, Equal Justice, and Redemption.

“I Have a Dream” Speech

Also on this day during the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech. Use this anniversary to remind your audiences about the importance of reaffirming our values and our commitment to winning liberation. Cite the values of community, voice, and equity.

Arrival of First Enslaved People

On or about August 20, 1619, the first enslaved people from Africa arrived in North America. The recounting of the 1619 Project and 400 Years of Inequality, combined with narrative change led by the Movement for Black Lives, has thrust the United States’ legacy of slavery and ongoing racial inequality into the spotlight. Discuss this anniversary by citing the values of Voice, Equality, and Economic Security.

ICE Workplace Raid

On this day in 2019, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents conducted one of the largest workplace raids in United States’ history, arresting as many as 680 immigrant workers across seven chicken processing plants in Mississippi. Traumatic family separations leave lasting emotional and physical impacts on children and families, in addition to economic hardship. Use this anniversary to talk about the need for permanent solutions that create opportunity for immigrant families and safety in our communities.

Emma Lazarus

Poet Emma Lazarus was born on this day in 1849. Her poem “The New Colossus” is inscribed at the base of the Statue of Liberty and is frequently quoted in the immigration debate. How we treat people arriving at our borders speaks volumes about the values that define our nation’s laws. Use this hook to talk about the importance of welcoming immigrants and refugees and refer to the values of community, safety, and opportunity.

Frida Kahlo

On this day in 1907, the pioneering artist and activist Frida Kahlo was born. Today her iconic work and image are shared as examples of politically engaged art and unapologetic self-expression. Use this hook to talk about the role of artists in social justice activism. Cite the values of voice and community.

Trump’s Family Separation Policy

On this day in 2018, activists organized nationwide protests in opposition to the Trump administration’s family separation policy, which separated countless immigrant children from their parents and shed light on cruel practices that existed before and endured beyond Trump. Discuss this anniversary by citing the values of safety, equity, and community.  

Furman v. Georgia

On this day in 1972, the Supreme Court struck down the death penalty, ruling in Furman v. Georgia that it was unconstitutional under the 8th and 14th Amendments. Justice William O. Douglas concluded that the death penalty “is disproportionately imposed and carried out on the poor, the Negro, and the members of unpopular groups.” Four years later, the Supreme Court reinstated the death penalty on the idea that it was constitutional under the 8th Amendment. Discuss this anniversary by citing the values of equity, safety, voice, and community.  

Muslim Ban

On this day in 2018, the Supreme Court upheld the third iteration of President Trump’s Muslim Ban.” Previously, lower federal courts had found each iteration to be blatantly anti-Muslim, unconstitutional, and an abuse of the president’s power. Although the Biden Administration rescinded Trump’s order, this date remains important given the persistence of anti-Muslim discrimination. Discuss this anniversary by citing the values of voice, equity, and community.  

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