Colin Kaepernick

Today also marks when professional football player Colin Kaepernick first protested racial injustice and police brutality during the national anthem in 2016. Use this news hook to talk about the First Amendment right to challenge injustice and the value of Voice.

Heather Heyer

On this day in 2017, during a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, VA, a counter-protester, Heather Heyer, was killed. Use this anniversary to talk about the values that Heather was defending: racial justice as exemplified by the values of equity and community.

Birth of Hip-Hop

On this day in 1973, hip-hop was officially born. At a dance party in the Bronx, NY, DJ Kool Herc used two turntables to create a “break beat.” Hip hop became a messaging tool for political activism. Use this anniversary to talk about art and culture’s role in creating social justice. Cite the values of voice and community.

Watts Rebellion

In 1965, the Watts Rebellion was ignited by the violent arrest of an African-American driver in Los Angeles. Use this anniversary to discuss policing and economic opportunity with your networks. Cite the values of safety and equity.

Michael Brown

On this day in 2014, a Ferguson, Missouri police officer shot and killed Michael Brown, an African-American teenager. His death sparked weeks of protest in Ferguson and outrage across the country. Use this anniversary to discuss police brutality and redefining safety in our communities. Cite the values of voice, equity, and safety.

El Paso Walmart Shooting

On this day in 2019, a racist mass shooting at a Walmart in El Paso, TX stole the lives of 23 people and injured dozens more. This date marks the deadliest, anti-Latino attack in modern United States history. Talk about the values of human rights and safety when observing this anniversary.

Tuskegee Syphilis Study

On this day in 1972, the Washington Star broke the story of the unethical Tuskegee Syphilis Study conducted on 600 African-American sharecroppers. The exposure led to fundamental changes in medical research. Use this anniversary to underscore the importance of media coverage about people living in poverty and how systemic racism impacts healthcare outcomes in Black and brown communities. Cite the values of equity and community.

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