Team Category: 2011 Communications Institute
2011 Communications Institute
Graciela Aponte
Senior Legislative Analyst, National Council of La RazaGraciela Aponte provides legislative analysis and advocacy on affordable homeownership, foreclosure prevention, and credit scoring for the National Council of La Raza, the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States. Aponte’s expertise is in housing policy, housing counseling, barriers to Latino homeownership, predatory lending, credit...
Get To know GracielaAlgernon Austin
Director of the Race, Ethnicity, and the Economy Program, Economic Policy InstituteAlgernon Austin directs the Economic Policy Institute’s program on Race, Ethnicity and the Economy (PREE). PREE works to advance policies that enable people of color to participate fully in the American economy and to benefit equally from gains in prosperity. As Director of PREE, Austin oversees reports and policy analyses...
Get To know AlgernonNikitra Bailey
Executive Vice President, Center for Responsible LendingNikitra Bailey directs the Center for Responsible Lending’s outreach and educational efforts to national and locally based organizations and provides technical assistance to policymakers on state and federal anti-predatory lending initiatives. Bailey originally joined the CRL as a policy associate after graduating from the University of Pittsburgh School of Law....
Get To know NikitraFlozell Daniels, Jr.
Flozell Daniels, Jr. has served as the President and CEO of the Louisiana Disaster Recovery Foundation (LDRF), now the Foundation for Louisiana, since December 2007. Its mission is to invest in people and practices that work to reduce vulnerability and build stronger, more sustainable communities statewide. Prior to LDRF, Daniels...
Get To know FlozellJane Duong
Director of Programs & Advocacy, National Coalition for Asian Pacific American Community DevelopmentJane Duong is currently the National Housing Program Manager for the National Coalition for Asian Pacific American Community Development (CAPACD). At National CAPACD, Duong directed the development and implementation of the first HUD-approved comprehensive housing, foreclosure and financial education network focused on the needs of low- and moderate-income Asian American...
Get To know JaneJordan Estevao
Director, Save the American Dream Campaign, National People's ActionJordan Estevao is the Director of National People's Action's Bank Accountability Campaign, a national effort to mobilize communities throughout the country in the fight to hold banks accountable. He was the lead organizer of the 2009 Showdown in Chicago that included three days of direct action targeting the American Bankers...
Get To know JordanAna Garcia-Ashley
Executive Director, Gamaliel FoundationBorn in the Dominican Republic, Garcia-Ashley was just four years old when she began canvassing in a rural village as part of a public safety campaign headed by her grandmother, a neighborhood activist. After the assassination of Rafael Trujillo, she and her family fled the political violence in the Dominican...
Get To know AnaDeborah Goldberg
Director of Special Projects, National Fair Housing AllianceDeborah Goldberg is a Special Project Director with the National Fair Housing Alliance (NFHA). Since 2005, she has led NFHA’s work on equitable rebuilding of the Gulf Coast region in the aftermath of the 2005 hurricanes. Goldberg has also been involved in NFHA’s public policy work on financial services issues,...
Get To know DeborahSarah Ludwig
Founder, Neighborhood Economic Development Advocacy Project (NEDAP)Sarah Ludwig founded NEDAP in 1995 and has worked with hundreds of grassroots groups to organize and advocate for community equity and financial justice. In 2000, she co-founded the coalition, New Yorkers for Responsible Lending, which has secured major policy reforms in the financial justice and foreclosure prevention arenas. Ludwig...
Get To know SarahC. Nicole Mason
Director of Research and Policy Initiatives, National Council for Research on WomenC. Nicole Mason has worked in advocacy and public education at the local, state and national levels with a special focus on women and underserved communities for the last 13 years. In her research and writing, she continues to investigate the intersections of race, class, gender, ethnicity, and other markers...
Get To know C. Nicole