Our Priorities

Economic Justice

Support TOA’s Economic Justice Work

Economic Justice is about developing systems and policies that provide everyone the opportunity for a dignified, productive, safe, and creative life—a life in which they can prosper for themselves, and for their loved ones.

An economically just society provides ways for all people to thrive in life, regardless of their race, gender, sexuality, or the circumstances that they were born into. Economic Opportunity is also about shared values—strong principles that we believe in, which center us and help guide us in trying times.

Some of these core values include: Voice (having a say in the decisions that affect you); Community (recognizing that we should work together and support each other); Opportunity (the chance to reach your dreams and go far in life); and Security (having all your basic needs met).

To understand how Economic Justice is achievable, we must start by visioning a world where these shared values can thrive.

Economic Justice Messaging & Reports

Research Report

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In The Opportunity Agenda’s Power of POP research series, we explore...

Power of Pop: What TV Gets Wrong About Getting By

cultural strategies economic justice gender justice immigration media representation racial justice
Discussion Guide

Art & Discussion Guide We believe that ending poverty is within our reach,...

We Can Thrive Together: Visioning Economic Justice for All

cultural strategies economic justice human rights immigration racial justice social justice
Research Report

INTRODUCTION Both research and our lived experience consistently show that the language we...

Shifting the Narrative

criminal justice cultural strategies death penalty economic justice gender justice gun reform human rights racial justice social justice
Messaging Memo

As we process, discuss, and continue to respond to the January 6th attack...

Moving Forward: Three Ideas for Talking About the Moment

criminal justice economic justice gender justice health equity immigration LGBTQIA+ justice racial justice reproductive justice social justice
Messaging Memo

Increasing support for Paid Family and Medical Leave policies among key audiences Updated...

Telling a Story About Families and Opportunity

economic justice social justice
Messaging Memo

As the COVID-19 pandemic sweeps America, the systemic injustices in our country are...

Talking About COVID-19: Value, Problem, Solution, Action

criminal justice economic justice gender justice human rights immigration inclusive democracy racial justice social justice
Research Report

Literature Review & Effective Messaging Introduction Our nation can and should be a...

Public Opinion About Paid Family and Medical Leave

economic justice health equity reproductive justice social justice
Communications Toolkit

Poverty and economic opportunity are often difficult subjects for advocates to talk about,...

Talking About Poverty & Economic Opportunity Today: Three Core Pillars

economic justice inclusive democracy
Messaging Memo

10 Tips to Spark Change Our research report, Power of Pop: The Case...

Working with Cultural Influencers

cultural strategies economic justice health equity media representation racial justice reproductive justice social justice
Messaging Memo

Working people should have the right to stick together and demand fair treatment...

Talking about the Importance of Unions and Economic Security

economic justice social justice
Research Report

Executive Summary In recent years, the power of popular entertainment to inspire large...

The Case of the Cultural Influencers: Colin Kaepernick, Jimmy Kimmel, and #MeToo

cultural strategies economic justice gender justice health equity media representation racial justice reproductive justice social justice
Messaging Memo

We need a new story about the U.S. economy; a story that recognizes...

Art that Tells a New Story About Economic Opportunity

cultural strategies economic justice
Messaging Memo

​On Feb 26, 2018, the United States Supreme Court heard oral arguments in...

Ten Tips for Talking About Janus v. AFSCME Council 31

economic justice
Messaging Memo

We all deserve to live in a society that promotes dignity, supports families,...

Census Data: A Fair and Accurate Count

economic justice human rights immigration
Messaging Memo

We all want to live in a country where everyone enjoys full and...

Quick Tips for Talking About Poverty and Taxes

economic justice
Messaging Memo

​  U.S. Census data released today tells a story of the kind of...

Census Data and Storytelling

economic justice
Messaging Memo

​Freedom, opportunity, respect, and dignity - just some of the core values that...

10 Facts About Public Attitudes Toward Economic Opportunity

economic justice human rights social justice
Messaging Memo

Two recent studies have alleged that Ban the Box policies hurt young men...

Expanding Opportunity for Everyone

criminal justice economic justice
Messaging Memo

​ Background: Our nation aspires to be a place where everyone enjoys full...

Talking About Economic Justice

economic justice
Messaging Memo

The immigration experience, one of moving from a familiar home to an uncertain...

Quick Tips for Talking Immigration Issues

economic justice human rights immigration social justice
Messaging Memo

Recent executive orders pose grave threats to our communities and our values. As...

Messaging for Current Conversations

criminal justice economic justice gender justice human rights immigration racial justice reproductive justice social justice
Research Report

HOW TO NAVIGATE THIS REPORT METHODOLOGY The analysis in this report is based...

A Window Of Opportunity II

economic justice
Messaging Memo

Our nation aspires to be a place where everyone enjoys full and equal...

Shifting the Narrative on Poverty

economic justice
Messaging Memo

Introduction Building public support to close the racial wealth gap requires a nuanced...

Public Perceptions and Attitudes Relevant to The Racial Wealth Gap

economic justice social justice
Media Analysis

On January 21, 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Texas...

Coverage of Inclusive Communities Supreme Court Argument

economic justice
Research Report

Acknowledgments The Opportunity Agenda wishes to thank and acknowledge the many people who...

A Window of Opportunity

economic justice
Research Report

Understanding the Roots of Attitudes on Inequality Research Opportunity is a deeply held...

The Opportunity Survey

criminal justice economic justice health equity human rights immigration racial justice social justice
Research Report

Access to an affordable home under fair and sustainable terms is central to...

Progress and Peril III

economic justice
Messaging Memo

The case of Mount Holly v. Mount Holly Gardens Citizens in Action, which...

Upholding Equal Opportunity

economic justice
Fact Sheet

The meltdown of the home mortgage market, the scourge of foreclosures, and the...

Why Fair Housing, Fair Lending and Equal Opportunity

economic justice racial justice social justice
Messaging Memo

Background: This year, the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)...

Talking about HUD’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Regulations

economic justice
Communications Toolkit

  To be effective in moving hearts, minds and policy over the long...

Vision, Values, Voice

criminal justice economic justice human rights racial justice social justice
Messaging Memo

On February 10th, the City of St. Paul, MN withdrew its petition to...

Talking About Magner v. Gallagher

economic justice
Research Report

Introduction This social science review centers on the topic of how communications in...

Media Representations and Impact on the Lives of Black Men and Boys: A Social Science Literature Review

cultural strategies economic justice media representation racial justice social justice
Media Analysis

Introduction As our nation struggles to recover from the worst economic downturn since...

Economic Recovery and Equal Opportunity in the Public Discourse

economic justice human rights
Fact Sheet

​ This memo provides guidance for discussing greater and more equitable job creation...

Expanding Opportunity for All: Economic Justice

economic justice
Messaging Memo

This memo offers communications ideas and guidance around messaging to promote an equitable...

Preserving the American Dream for All

economic justice
Messaging Memo

Introduction This memorandum recommends and discusses indicators to be used in evaluating geographic...

Indicators to Evaluate the Opportunity Impacts

economic justice
Legal Policy Brief

Acknowledgements We wish to acknowledge the assistance that a wide range of fair...

Reforming HUD’s Regulations to Affirmatively Further Fair Housing

economic justice gender justice LGBTQIA+ justice racial justice social justice
Messaging Memo

This memo offers communications advice for promoting greater and more equal opportunity during...

Talking Economic Recovery and Equal Opportunity

economic justice
Legal Policy Brief

I.   Introduction This memorandum discusses the contemporary relevance of residential integration to the...

Memorandum: The Relationship Between Racial Integration and the Duty to Further Fair Housing

economic justice racial justice
Messaging Memo

This document contains ideas and sample materials to use in media outreach around...

Sample Media Materials for October 30th Release of Data on Stimulus Spending

economic justice
Fact Sheet

When it comes to ensuring that the economic stimulus and recovery process promotes...

Ensuring Equal Opportunity in Our Nation’s Economic Recovery Efforts

economic justice
Messaging Memo

​ MEMORANDUM DATE:    July 17, 2009 FROM: The Opportunity Agenda, NAACP Legal Defense...

Proposed Metrics for Equitable and Expanded Opportunity in the Economic Recovery

economic justice
Research Report

Acknowledgements This report was written by Meredith King Ledford, MPP, and reviewed by...

The State of Opportunity in America

criminal justice economic justice human rights immigration racial justice social justice
Messaging Memo

This memo sets forth themes and ideas on talking about immigration during the...

Moving Forward Together…

economic justice immigration
Communications Toolkit

What are Community Values and why are we promoting them now? Community Values...

Campaign for Community Values Message Toolkit

criminal justice economic justice gender justice human rights immigration racial justice social justice
Research Report

​Executive Summary This report assesses the state of housing in New Orleans one...

The State of Housing in New Orleans One Year After Katrina

economic justice gender justice human rights racial justice

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