Our Fellows
The Opportunity Agenda’s Communications Institute Fellows are media-ready experts on some of the country’s most urgent challenges, coming largely from communities most affected by those challenges. For journalists seeking voices with a grassroots perspective that links economic opportunity, criminal justice, immigrant opportunity, and racial justice issues to the lived experiences of Americans, Communications Fellows are ideal spokespeople.
Sage Crump
Sage Crump is an artist, culture strategist, and facilitator who expands and deepens the work of cultural workers/arts organizations in social justice organizing and supports social justice organizations in understanding the role art and culture can play in movement building.
Get To know SageKhalil Cumberbatch
Policy Associate, Legal Action CenterKhalil A. Cumberbatch is a formerly incarcerated advocate for social justice movements within the NYC area. He has worked within the re-entry community in NYC since 2010, when he was released after serving almost seven years in the NYS prison system. Since his release, Khalil has worked with various nonprofits...
Get To know KhalilFlozell Daniels, Jr.
Flozell Daniels, Jr. has served as the President and CEO of the Louisiana Disaster Recovery Foundation (LDRF), now the Foundation for Louisiana, since December 2007. Its mission is to invest in people and practices that work to reduce vulnerability and build stronger, more sustainable communities statewide. Prior to LDRF, Daniels...
Get To know FlozellAnnie Del Hierro
Annie Del Hierro (b. Quito, Ecuador) is a community-engaged visual artist, organizer, culture promoter, and educator based in Brooklyn - the ancestral and unceded land of the Lenape. Her work explores history, individual and collective memories, and identity utilizing collage art, wheat-pasting, photography, and video as tools for her practice.
Get To know AnnieKate Desormeau
Staff Attorney, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)Kate Desormeau is a staff attorney with the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), where she has worked since 2015. Prior to joining NRDC, Desormeau was a staff attorney with the Immigrants' Rights Project of the American Civil Liberties Union. She also worked as a researcher at the Carr Center for...
Get To know KateAstrid Dominguez
Advocacy Coordinator, ACLU of TexasAstrid Dominguez joined the ACLU of Texas in May 2012 as a Border Rights Fellow coordinating the U.S.-Mexico Binational Abuse Documentation Project at the Texas border. She later transitioned to the position of Advocacy Coordinator for the Lower Rio Grande Valley office. Astrid has focused her work in the Rio...
Get To know AstridScott Douglas
Executive Director, Greater Birmingham MinistriesScott Douglas attended the University of Tennessee, where he co-founded their Black Student Union. Following work as an aircraft assembler, he held positions as Executive Director of the Southern Organizing Committee, Program Officer for the Partnership for Democracy Foundation, and the first Environmental Justice Organizer for the Sierra Club. Currently,...
Get To know ScottJane Duong
Director of Programs & Advocacy, National Coalition for Asian Pacific American Community DevelopmentJane Duong is currently the National Housing Program Manager for the National Coalition for Asian Pacific American Community Development (CAPACD). At National CAPACD, Duong directed the development and implementation of the first HUD-approved comprehensive housing, foreclosure and financial education network focused on the needs of low- and moderate-income Asian American...
Get To know JaneMarcos Echeverria Ortiz
Marcos Echeverría Ortiz is an award-winning interdisciplinary journalist, photographer, and documentary maker practicing transmedia storytelling. His work uses hybrid media to explore the immigrant experience in New York City through stories connected to memory, archives, identity, underground music, and human rights.
Get To know MarcosSalomé Egas
interdisciplinary performer, arts educator, and children's book authorSalomé Egas is proudly Ecuadorian, and an interdisciplinary performer, arts educator and children’s books author.
Get To know Salomé